by Igor Kluin | Feb 24, 2013 | Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Qurrent, Sustainability
This is weird. Very, very weird… One moment you’re writing a blog about a small company you just started. Next thing you know you’re writing one about leaving that very same company. Hacking away on my laptop, 2005 and 2013 feel as if they’re only weeks apart....
by Igor Kluin | Oct 21, 2009 | Politics, Sustainability
Have you seen this guy? Incredible… He makes me mad… Just have to reply… Dear Mr. Monckton, You’re so called freedom cannot sustain itself anymore without extreme border protection, protectionist policies and wars all over the globe. That’s not liberal, that’s not...
by Igor Kluin | Oct 10, 2008 | Politics, Sustainability
Ik merk steeds vaker dat klimaatwetenschappers via de pers discussies voeren. De ene keer gaat het over de milieueffecten van de Prius, dan weer over een roetfilter, over kleine windmolens, zonnepanelen en ga zo maar door. En steeds vaker wordt ik persoonlijk op die...
by Igor Kluin | Apr 17, 2008 | Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Press, Qurrent, Sustainability
17 april 2008